Niestety nie moglam zapalic osobiscie swieczuszki na Twoim grobie...przepraszam... Ale zapale ja tutaj kochana i bedzie sie dlugo palic...dlugo. Jak Ci tam w niebie bo mi tu na ziemi tak srednio bez Ciebie. Moglabys mnie czesciej odwiedzac w moich snach..i czesciej przytulac jak kiedys... bo mi zle bez Ciebie ...bardzo zle. Kocham Cie Mamo!
I twoja ulubiona piosenka kochana tylko dla Ciebie ode mnie!!!
Mom I miss you so much!!! This is your favorite song :just for You from me! I love you!!!
Oh Katrina, my dear friend, this is such a lovely tribute to your mom. She is so beautiful....and you look so much like her. The song was really pretty. I can see why she loved it. I especially liked seeing the pictures of the two of you together. I know it must have been difficult to do this post but I hope it was healing for you as well. I'm so glad you shared it.
I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother. I have lost both of my parents, so I know how you feel. It doesn't seem to get easier. Your tribute to her was very touching...
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