I wanted just show you some important pictures when our baby said goodbye to China. It was emotional moment for us.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Magical moments!!!
I wanted just show you some important pictures when our baby said goodbye to China. It was emotional moment for us.
We are home!!!

Today just pictures!!! We are home safe and sound. Our children are happy and played together whole day. Now it is time for bed. But nobody is tired!!! Victoria was afraid of our puppy. Now they are the best fiends. She likes to share her food with her. It is so funny. I will post more pictures tomorrow. Now just few.
Last day in China!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
We Are OK!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Where Are They?
For those of you who are wondering about Katrina and her family, they are safe and sound in Guangzhou. I know this because I've read other people's blogs from the group and they say that the whole group is now together at the White Swan. Katrina has not been on the internet since leaving Nanching (yes, I am stalking her!) but I'm sure she will post as soon as she can. I hope it's soon because Olivia keeps asking to see her MeiMei Toria! I just thought some of you might be concerned about her! :) ~Lynn
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Last Day In Nanching!
A family of four had next great day. We went to the Tengwan Pavilion. We loved to climb the stairs. Victoria had less fun. She loves to walk not to stay in the carrier. She runs away from us so quick and it is hard to catch her. I always thought Adrian was pretty active but she is even faster.LOL!!!
Thanks for all comments. It is so nice to read them if you are so far from home. Have a great day and see you soon!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Another day. We went to the museum today. Victoria was not too happy. She likes to walk... actually she likes to run. My muscles are growing so fast. She is very active little one. Just like her brother. She did not have a nap today and evening was very hard. Finally they all are sleeping. Kochani jest super. Malutka jest niesamowita. Straszliwie aktywna jak Adrianek. Biegaja razem i sa wniebowzieci. Teraz smacznie spia i ja zaraz do nich dolacze. Dobranoc a u Was dziendobry!!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
What a great day again. Victoria is just amazing. She is funny, sweet and loves Adrian. They play together so nice. She is feeling better. Adrian just started some cold. He had a fever 103 today. I think it is this same like Tori. We will see. We went to the People's Park today. It was big fun for everybody. Victoria stayed in stroller half a hour but just after she wanted to walk. We love to watch how she walks...it is just too cute. Now we are in the room relaxing. Thank you all for prayers and following our journey.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Everyone...this is Lynn. Katrina is not able to blog from China or even send emails so I'm hijacking her blog!! She was only able to send me one picture today. We have to use Skype to do that. She is able to read emails though so they can read your comments.
So, Monday was a great day for Victoria. She's such a cuite! She loves her big brother, Adrian. She chases him around and around the lobby of the hotel. It's so funny to see her walk. You can tell she's not used to wearing only one pair of pants! She walks like a penguin! She slept all night long and never moved from the same position. Katrina and Lukasz slept well too, finally. Victoria is bonding well with her mommy and is warming up to daddy. That's a good thing...she's bonding the way she should.
Olivia tried to talk to her on Skype but Victoria really didn't want to look at her. I think they will become cyber friends soon...Olivia said Ni Hao Toria!
Today was the adoption finalization at the civil affairs office so now they are officially a FAMILY!! Tomorrow they are going to visit the People's Park. I hope we can get more pictures posted soon!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Gotcha Day!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Ni Hao from China!
We did it. We had some problems... I started to be sick on the plane (stomach problem) But I hope it is going to be ok tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day- Victoria's day!!! Please pray for us!!!
Adrianek jest bardzo szczesliwy. Mowi ze podoba mu sie China i ze moglby tu mieszkac. Ja mam inne zdanie. Mam wielkie problemy z zoladkiem. Zaczelo sie w samolocie. Czekam na poprawe. Poza tym wszystko ok. Pozdrawiamy wszystkich i wysylamy kilka zdjatek!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Last post before China!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Our itinerary!

February 14- beginning of journey of love
February 15- fly to Nanchang
February 16- Day for relax
February 17- Victoria's DAY!!!
February 18- Civil affairs office day (registration and notary)
February 19- Visit to People's Park
February 20- Visit Badashanren' Museum
February 21- Visit Tengwang Pavilion
February 22- Fly to Guangzhou
February 23- Paperwork, medical check up
February 24- Day for relax- our family will visit us, they live in Shanghai
February 25- Consulate app. evening- River cruise
February 26- Oath, pick up Victoria's visa
February 27- Coming HOME!!! Fly Guangzhou- Hong Kong, Hong Kong- Newark
Monday, February 11, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
7 more days!!!
Ojojoj jak ten czas leci... Przygotowania do naszej dzidzi cala para. To takie az niemozliwe i nierealne. A jednak sie dzieje...Za tydzien o tej porze bedzie sie dzialo oj bedzie. Pozdrawiamy wszystkich. Trzymajcie kciuki!!! O time is going so fast. We have just 7 days...untill our trip. It is so surreal. But it is coming ...HOORAY!!!
Chinese New Year!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Koncowe odliczanie!
No i pozostalo 13 dni! Zaczynamy sie troszke denerwowac...W Chinach jedna z najzimniejszych zim od 50 lat. Mamy nadzieje ze sie troszke ociepli wkrotce. Przesylamy caluski do rodzinki w Polsce i do Chin!!! Victoria jeszcze troszke !!!
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