Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ni Hao from China!

We did it. We had some problems... I started to be sick on the plane (stomach problem) But I hope it is going to be ok tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day- Victoria's day!!! Please pray for us!!!
Adrianek jest bardzo szczesliwy. Mowi ze podoba mu sie China i ze moglby tu mieszkac. Ja mam inne zdanie. Mam wielkie problemy z zoladkiem. Zaczelo sie w samolocie. Czekam na poprawe. Poza tym wszystko ok. Pozdrawiamy wszystkich i wysylamy kilka zdjatek!!!


Somewhere In The Sun said...

What a journey you have begun! I can't wait to see Victoria!


jeanette said...

I'm praying for you!

Doreen said...

I've been thinking of you throughout the day since you left for China. Enjoy every moment with your little Victoria. God bless.